IAPRO having been in the center of the crisis is well aware of the service realities related to PLWHAs in the state. “HIV spread can only be controlled with collective large scale intervention,” which is IAPRO strategy from its inception namely enhancing awareness levels, linking prevention with care instilling confidence in PLWHAs thereby making them LIVE not simply for themselves but as productive citizens. Keeping this in view the following were the draft agenda items for IAPRO:
Enhancing awareness to 100% across the state starting with government/parliamentarians through its well established training center.
Integrating treatment and care with training of health care providers on basic and advanced management of HIV disease in its fullest spectrum
Researching and developing treatments to suppress and eradicate HIV and its opportunistic diseases, and explore potential treatments for patients suffering with various carcinomas.
IAPRO has an established ID Control practices. This can be used to train the various segments of Health care system in Universal work precautions and best practices in infection control
IAPRO started the hospital in the name and style of jubilee hospitals in order to save the patients from discrimination and stigma.